ADHD Study

Study participants needed!!

A is for Aromatherapy

                          ...and ADD/ADHD

Has your child been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD?

Are you interested in more natural options?


Insight Wellness Center is conducting a clinical study to determine the impact of aromatherapy on the symptoms of ADD/ADHD. Certain essential oils have long been documented to elicit a calming effect on children and adults. The naturally occurring chemicals within the oils used in aromatherapy may help the ADHD child.


Guided by a professional team including a psychologist, educator and essential oils specialist, children will take part in a 6-week course to study the effects that certain plant-based oils used in aromatherapy may have in lessening the symptoms.

Children must be between the ages of 7-10 and in grades 2-5.   Must be diagnosed with ADD/ADHD.  Study will run 6 weeks.

You will receive complimentary testing and oils.

Confidentiality Assured.

Aromatherapy is the use of plant derived, aromatic essential oils to promote physical and psychological well-being.

Plant-based essential oils are known to have curative properties, such as the ability to arouse or calm the senses, sharpen mental acuity and prevent or treat diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. In most cases, Aromatherapists apply essential oils to the skin or through the nose by inhalation.

Please contact Raizel Michelow MA at 440.289.8247 or or Insight Learning Center at 216.765.4470.